Once a Child, Always A Child
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
; 2:37 AM
I gotta admit that the previous super long post was just my mad rantings and wild thoughts.
I'm 'new' and did not know how to deal with the problems I faced hence I got over-emotional.
I guess I'm doing injustice to toot cause she really put in her heart n soul when she was in owls.
It's wrong of me to say those things about her.
Sorry toot ;(
I do not have any ill intention when I wrote that post.
I'm just babbling so that all my thoughts (be it good/bad) could disappear.
I don't want it to haunt or bug me.
And it worked...
It's amazing.
I think I can write 5000 words essay easily LOLOL.

I hope both of us could let this matter go~
Let's set ourselves free and continue with the journey.
Friendship doesn't die cause of this one teeny problem.
Remove the bad leaves and it will grow again;
better this time xD
Lalala~Please don't stop the music~Let the time goes tik tok~and we'll dance the night away~
Stay Strong As Ones Owls
Stay Strong As Ones Owls
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
Sha Ren You Sha Fu
Sunday, February 21, 2010
; 10:03 PM
I'm the greatest fool in the whole wide world.
As quoted from Awaken: You're STOOPID!
Indeed, I'm such a silly and emotional gal...
Some of the owls would know that I've been truly devastated by the departure of some fam members, particularly my good friend toot. She never once told me the real reason for leaving the fam no matter how i probed and asked her. And just yesterday, May aka Sad helped to clear all the doubts and puzzles I had by her sudden quitting of the fam. So this is what she said: She felt unjust when she saw that the others were not helping to earn fps during fam channel time;amongst those were the Jrs. She felt that Jr should possess some kind of standard or whatever it is called so as to show good examples for the fam members. She was unhappy over this as she had been working hard to earn fps for the fam but was not given any credit or recognition. I was pretty upset upon hearing this and have no idea how to react at all. It would've been so much easier if she could just voice her opinions then not now. After giving this matter some thought, I would like to say a few things here. I'm not trying to imply anything here but it's pretty obvious that what had been mentioned above were flaws in our fam system. For this, I would like to emphasize that there're bound to be flaws in any of the systems as there's no absolute perfection in this world. I strongly believe that this fam should not work in a hierarchy manner; where Jr is just like any other member, they do not have absolute power over them except to assist in recruiting members. We do not simply flaunt our blue tag at others to announce to the whole world that we're 'higher' up than them (In my opinion, the Jrs are mainly there to reassure to members that the fam is active and help to strengthen the bonds of the members). So as one of the Jrs, you could imagine how insulted I felt when someone told you that you and the similar likes of you've not been doing your job well.
Thank you toot for showing me this: 'Actions speak louder than words'.
If you truly meant well for owls, you could have told us these problems earlier to help make the fam better. If you truly meant well for owls, you would have reacted differently rather than this as shown in the picture:
Thank you toot for showing me this: 'Actions speak louder than words'.
If you truly meant well for owls, you could have told us these problems earlier to help make the fam better. If you truly meant well for owls, you would have reacted differently rather than this as shown in the picture:

To think I'm foolish enough to pin some sort of hope that you might consider joining back owls.
To think I've been so emotional over this matter and make the fam members worry for me.
What were you doing then?
You were blissfully lying in the hands of your couple.
All I ever wanted for you was to come clean and honest with me.
Why couldn't you do that even?
You have to make me suffer to see your happiness.
You could've just told me: I would like to join my cpl's fam and I would understand...cos I understood very clearly what's 'fu chang fu sui'.
I would respect your decision. I really would.
But no, you did not say anything...
It's been so many days and I never hear from you since the day you left the fam.
And all of a sudden, you invited me to your Lp.
I felt glad that thing's have settled and we're finally talking to each other.
After the Lp, we go on our seperate ways.
All of a sudden, you asked me to join you for games.
Can you guess how overjoyed I am?
No, you could not imagine because I know you do not care for me at all.
Do you still remember what I say to you before you come in the room?
"I hope you could join back owls, toot"
Then you replied with ";x" and nothing more.
And could you even imagine how hurt I feel when you came in with gila's tag...
I was boiling mad.
Not angry at you but me.
I can't judge you for the kind of person you are.
It would have been too painful for me.
I'm the sha gua.
I'm just someone to chuck aside after you've found your Mr Right.
You never even asked why I did not speak to you the whole time we were playing...
Guess the message you brought forward is crystal clear to me now:
"The fam I wanted to join was not yours,
You're just a stepping stone to me.
Goodbye when I've found the right place for me to stay in"
You're just a stepping stone to me.
Goodbye when I've found the right place for me to stay in"
Still I would like to thank you for all the things you've done.
It's a precious lesson for me and I've yet to learn it well.
I believe the bonus I've gotten from your Lp is something as memorable as the lesson you've taught me.

Did I tell you that this is my first time getting bonus from Lp?
Sha ren you sha fu indeed.
To En and Toot: Of course, I would still want both of you to have happiness together and wish both of you could last long. The least I ever wanted to see was this...this mess...this hurt...this pain...this...I seriously do not know how to face you all anymore ><
Ps. Sorry Owls, this is such a long post but I feel that all of you have the right to know what is going on. Plox bear with me, I'm not such a long-winded person normally D:
*+*+After saying all these, I realise I can let go lerh. There's no more hurt but just wishes from the bottom of my heart. Hope you're truly happy where you're toot. I would still like to be your friend ;) +*+*
Stay Strong As Ones Owls
Stay Strong As Ones Owls
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
An Unexpected Twist
Friday, February 19, 2010
; 9:19 PM
I...am at a loss of words for what happened lately...
I couldn't forsee the problem, least to say salvage the situation.
Sorry to those who left the fam :(
I've failed you all.
A Big Thank You for All the efforts you've put in for the fam nonetheless.
It's been a saddening day,
Perhaps this marks the end of owls ;O
Rest in peace ~NightOwls~
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
; 1:22 PM
Hello Owls,
yesterday i managed to tag fps up till 10888! (:
(special thanks to ~Pokka, ~Dkwj & ~Nutt)
and i have decided to leave ~NightOwls~ for the better of myself and the fam.
you've all been great people, with nice fam mates like -Cloud.AngeL-, WoW_BamBoO and xAwakening and the rest whom i didn't specially credit.
do continue to Stay Strong As Ones Owls (as the motto goes), continue to be an active fam, help to earn fps and stay chatty and united. (:
im not leaving with the intention of fam-hopping, ~NightOwls~ isn't a free stay hotel.
there's some personal issues i have concerning the members and the spirit of the fam, which im not disclosing on fam blog.. so please don't get the wrong idea that im just quitting to fam-hop or whatsoever, i would appreciate that.
im just going to be fam-less meanwhile..
while im gone, please listen to -Cloud.AngeL- and take good care of her kay, she's my dearest tootie who brought me to ~NightOwls~. (:
please don't make her sad/angry/stress her too much, as she is coping with both her stressful studies and managing the fam at the same time.
thank you for all the fun and joy you all have brought me, i appreciate it. (:
i'll still love owls.
not present physically, but in soul and spirit.
you'll all do fine without me (:
tinkle signing off, hoot hoot..

With love & hoots, Joanna.
Our 1st Bucket Of Gold!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
; 3:11 AM
Super Great News OWLS!!!
Just as we've furnished our fam house with new background, take a look at it...

We've also managed to earn our 1st bucket of gold xD

Super Yayness~!!!
Hope that there'll be more buckets of gold in the near future =P
P.s. Wishing Everyone A Prosperous and Successful Year (Gong Xi Fa Cai, Hong Bao Yao Ji De Lai)
Last but not least,
Everyone say it together with me: ~NightOwls~ Huat AHHHHH
Stay Strong As Ones Owls
Stay Strong As Ones Owls
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
Love Party Of -Tomb.DeviL- & -Cloud.AngeL-
Sunday, February 7, 2010
; 7:12 PM
on first try, -Tomb.DeviL- was probably daydreaming, so -Cloud.AngeL- gave him a 如来佛掌 aka buddha slap to his face and he woke up~ :D

so on second try, they passed their love party sucessfully~
this is because -Cloud.AngeL- encouraged him with 'jy ;lub' and when -Tomb.DeviL- saw it, he got enthusiastic and sync-ed perfects~
this shows the power of their love~
let's congratulate the sucess of their love party!
keep the owl-love going!
weet-o-weet~ :D

With love & hoots, Joanna.
Lp Success for Toot
Friday, February 5, 2010
; 2:24 AM
+*+*+*Claps Claps* on Toot's Lp's success with ~Pokka *+*+*+*
At first, it didn't start off well cos... I think they're dreaming XDBut at the second try, ~Pokka suddenly 'wakes up' (I mean his pf) and toot follows his tempo well - Fu Chang Fu Sui mah (LoL)
Don't believe me?
Take a look at them =P

Sync 10 hearts leh. They're just meant to be with each other (loves)
Last Long~♥
Stay Strong As Ones Owls
Stay Strong As Ones Owls
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
~NightOwls~ Huat Ah
Thursday, February 4, 2010
; 11:21 PM
An Auspicious Sign ♥
Woots~We've toiled days and nights to get to this; 8888 fp.
Just nice for Chinese New Year greetings (Laughs)
Wishing everyone a happy year ahead and V day too ♥
Jy Owls!
Stay Strong As Ones Owls
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.