1st Round --
* Sorry, the cameraman is sleeping, so no picture is taken..*
+ 6 Fps
2nd round --

HEHE! +5FPs wor.
3rd Round, also known as the exciting round --

Wah Perf x10 Wor. GRATZ.. Peifu~ 佩服

Yo Owls!
Erhm... i actually become lazy to post this, but finally i'm done (zzz i feel all my post so long).
Well...In 11th April, 12th April and 16th April were fun days.
The 1st thing i want to show you guys, is that xAMAZING and xAWESOME did Love Party, same does xMUNCHx and xCRUNCHx. Doesn't it sound nice?
The 2nd thing is --xMay married with Sadxx3! Hurray ! Gratz~~~!<3>
Of course i made some pictures to these cpls ! XD ( i think i got too much freetime to make pictures, but lazy to post? hahah!)

And the Wedding picture i got from --xMay and Sadxx3 !;yay !

xAMAZING and xAWESOME's Love Party

You can see that they tried to sync together.

And guess who got the Observer bonus!
OBSERVER NUMBER 3 ! ( also known as AuDiMax XD)
xMUNCHx and xCRUNCHx's Love Party

And then they remake the room and began with the 2nd try !
This time they got very lucky. So let's count how much they synced together !!!

2 ~~

4 ~~

8 ~~

10 ~~

14 ~~

18 ~~

20 ~~
And then They successed !!! Gratz gratz ~~

Wahahaha ! This time i got the Observer Bonus ;yay ! (also known as BamBoO, and observer 2 lol)
May's and Sad's Wedding Party~~

Awh... They actually failed 5th times, but it's OK! At the last they actually successed!

Audition Wedding Hall~~

The Groom and The Bride meet each other~~
Ready to dance their wedding dance XD!

And Of course they SUCCESSED ! TADA~~ what i said ? XD

And the one who got the flower was xMUNCHx (zzz.. stole my flower) well, we actually played some rounds and of course it was fun. So this is the end of the post. and i dont know what to write about next post hahas!! and my posts are always so long~~ =__= well well.. Have a nice day Owls ^^!

Bamboo, maxie and me stayed till 1am (Sg Time = 7am) the target was 17k. Max left before we tagged 17k fps. Anyways, good job. WE ARE HARDWORKING OWLS HEHEHEH. *claps* Let's continue tag till 20k peoples. Btw, bamboo donated her 10k dens. Cannot miss that part. Hahah.
- WhitE
Owls United! LOL
We have 3 house rules that are simple and easy to remember when we recruit members:
- Be active at night
-Mark attendance regularly
-Help to earn fps
For members who are still with us, please continue to show support to the fam by abiding to the rules.
Marking attendance is very important!
We really appreciate if you could mark attendance regularly.
How regular?
As soon as the attendance list refreshes.
[Edit] Every 5 days to be exact.
P.s. If you can't login due to some reasons, you can always pass your login id and pw to me. I'll help you login and promise not to tamper with your account. (TRUST ME LOL)
Remember owls,
This is a fam.
It is a system shared by the likes of us.
We need to maintain, uphold and support it.
Uphold the reputation of the fam
Support the fam via donation"
I regret and apologize for those who had to leave us.
On a sidenote, we don't kick for fun. For those who have been kicked, hope there's no hard feelings. We are always willing to welcome you back whenever you are ready for the fam.
P.s. I would like to see 100% attendance thus I would not hesitate to **** members if I don't see that happening.
Aside from this piece of sad news, there's good news as well.
We've new members coming in xD
Hopefully the new members can help to mark attendance regularly.
Be Strong As Ones Owls
Yooooooo Owls,
So heading towards that direction, I've come up with some rather 'orangy' ideas for the fam uniform.
Hi Owls!
As you know we had an event at channel international 1.
We also bought fam channel to earn fam points, while holding an event.
It was a very messy event, and we nag people to donate the fam bank(lol).
So next time if we have an event, there'll only be a mode!
We are announcing the results from the other day : !
Choreography-C-4k; 1st place:Tubbytuck 2nd place: --xMay
Beat-Rush 4k; 1st place: --xMay 2nd place: BnW~WhitE
Beat-Up 6k; 1st place: --xMay 2nd place: -Oath-
Choreography-4; 1st place: Tubbytuck 2nd place: hieeeeee
i made a picture of the winners and here it is;

Here's some SS from the event(PS: i didn't upload all the SS, because i took too many SS =.=!!!);



Oh...! Tubby NJ Hie! Aiya..!plus nice chain Tubby LOL!
and and ... look what May said to me ;shy!!!! (because i was singing ;make)


Last but not least, we took group pictures;

we got played some rounds too, but now i have uploaded too many pictures, so i should stop now.
hm... i should give some titles to our Owls in the event (this is only for fun XD).
The 1st one i will give is to:
May; ''The rob all prizes girl''
Tubby; ''The owning boy''
Oath; ''The join for fun girl''
VanillaButter; ''The Beauty in the room girl'' ->
WhitE; ''The join all round girl''
BlacK; ''The go and come back boy''
That's all! I know this is really really a long long long post, but wateva i only want to show you guys how the event started and ended !
Hf Owls!
~NightOwls hoot arh~
~Think Positive Owls~
BamBoO and WhitE