x3~DINO and x3~MILO LP♥
Monday, June 14, 2010
; 6:25 PM
Hahaha, I know it's been donkey days since the lp nonetheless I would like to share the happy news with everyone.
Helloooo Owls, it's me again! Are you happy to see me? xD Well, I'm here to report on the successful love party of the 2 lovers, Dino and Milo♥(It's kinda weird to be reporting about it 'myself' but I'm writing this on behalf of my lovely sister, heh)

Both of them looked so shy but sweet when posing together in the lp room ;D And there's this weird guy called KLNGoKONG stuck in the middle with 2 gals. Look how cocky he looks! Boo him!
Very soon, they began the love party.

Awww look at how sweet they are~They were kissing when they haven't even clear their love party yet, LoL. But they were successful with their sync! Good job lovers!

And in the blink of an eye, they cleared the love party effortlessly! They sure have good chemistry together xD
Congrats to Dino and Milo! Must jy for your next lp which is 6.5k. OMG THAT'S ALOT! Err...all the best to both of you >.>

This was such a funny sight! Everyone got BOOM-ed! ROFL. Must be boo's fault, smack her butt hard! Who asked her to say number 3 LOLOL!
And so this was how their lp ended leaving everyone laughing with the boom, hahaha and of course, the sweet couples with the lovely aster ring~! *Bling Bling*
I hope everyone had a fun time reading this post. I'll be back soon with more juicy news if anyone would like to share with me ;x
Ciao Owls~Love you guys lots! Muackies♥
Living In Bliss♥
Living In Bliss♥
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
Happy Birthday~!!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
; 1:18 PM
Wishing u a happy bdae Ah Ma xD
Wishing u a happy bdae Ah Ma xD
The cake looks so cute and yummy. LOL.
Ahhh, so how old is ah ma ald? *Make a guess*
As the cake shows, it's meant to be a secret.
To all guys out there: Rmbr to put only one candle on your gf's cake because gal's age is meant to be kept as a secret, hohoho.(I'm sure awaken knows it ald xD)
Let's put our hands together and wish AH MA a happy happy bdae.
Hope that this year has been a good year for you and it will continue to be so.
After all you've found your Prince Charming *blush*
All the best to you ah ma, an exclusive -flying kiss- to you.
Living in bliss♥
Living in bliss♥
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.