♥ Our Boo Finally Got Married ♥
Sunday, August 22, 2010
; 11:54 AM
I don't know how many times I had wished this to happen but finally my wish came true! It's sort of like dejavu to me cause I absolutely believe that this day would come which it did and I'm so happy to be the first to bring this beautiful news to all owls^^
Dearest Owls,
Lemme introduce Boo. Why introduce her? Because she's no longer the WoW_BamboO we know her as, now she's Mrs -Jyun. She's married! OMGOSH! It's hard to believe that the very firm and steadfast girl actually chose to settle down and lead a marriage life. Congrats! Stay blissful always♥

Everyone let's rise to welcome the bride and bridegroom^^
But as always, some funny thing has to occur when Boo's around just like how she got everyone boomed in my previous LP =x

Boo's so happy on her wedding that she managed to squeeze the bridegroom out (LoL)
Guess Boo still prefers to be boo-ed on her wedding night =x
But alas, all's well that ends well on the 2nd trial of their wedding.

Gong Xi Gong Xi! Must stay sweet and loving always~May Jyun be holding your hand like this and boo kissing jyun till old =D

Something tells me that I should be at the fifth observation spot but I'm not so lucky to be in that spot, someone else did T_T

Here's for those who've missed out on Boo's wedding =D
Even though some may have not been there to attend boo's wedding, I'm sure our wishes will always stay in their heart. We may not be there to witness the start of their marriage but I'm sure as friends, we can always accompany them and be with them till the very end =D
Here's a quote to share with everyone-
"Marriage is like a golden ring in a chain, whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is in eternity"
May Everyone Stay Blissful and Happy Always!
Living in bliss♥
Living in bliss♥
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
Audition maintenance = DEAD
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
; 4:48 PM
Hello Owls!
erh.. Since wateva day it was and till now the Audition maintenance havent done yet. i miss audition D:, and maybe you all too. Well, maybe cause of this audition maintenance some might quit audition? O.o or Would they? Hope not =D!. Lets be patient and wait for the audition to be done done then we will play together again^^. THINK POSITIVE OWLS !!!
With love & hoots, SuZaki.