The LoveEver's Grand Wedding♥
Friday, September 24, 2010
; 11:59 PM
Hey Owls,
Did you hear the chimes of the bell? Yesh, you didn't hear wrongly =D
It's the wedding bell for our lovely Owl, lovever =p
This is what happen on their very big day (23/9/10).

All the best cpls =D
^Mr. Edwinz is promising Miss lovever a lifetime of love if they passed this test^

All's well that ends well, the wedding is as smooth as ever! Hope that my skin could be that smooth, hahahas.

If you think that would be the last of it, it's not! Look at what happened!

Sobsob. Hope the flower doesn't work on dear! *Cross Fingers*
Opps, I'm moving off topic already. Hahas, so sorry about that. 3 cheers for lovever!!! Stay blissfully happy always♥
Blissfully in Love♥
Blissfully in Love♥
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
♥-♥Our 3rd Bucket of Gold♥-♥
Sunday, September 19, 2010
; 4:53 PM
Harlos Owls~!

It's been quite sometime since you last seen ~NightOwls~ as fam channel at Novice 1. I used to miss it and have been praying hard and hoping someday, our fam could have channel at n1 instead of n2 or some other places which we rarely frequent. And when our fam finally got n1, I realised it's only just me and perhaps dear, book, mocha or rubber tagging...Where's the rest of the Owls? We used to be tagging fps and holding rooms for hours and hours in the past but those days were gone. No-one seem to be happy when we get fam channel now. No-one seem to care anymore. Many of the Owls have gone to free channel instead of novice 1 ~_~

But hey, who's to say that everyone is unhappy? Maybe they're happy but it's just me who can't sense it. Such a silly girl I am XD Hope everyone's doing fine^-^and do keep me posted about your everyday lives if you see me around =D I don't demand for everyone to be working hard to tag fps but I really wish to see everyone bonding together. Owls seem to be so dead now T.T Is it winter already? Maybe all've gone hibernating, LoL

Lols. My dear and I were competing with each other and I told him to 'kan kai yi dian' when he lost to me and I guess it could be applied here. I shouldn't feel too upset about the inactive-ness of the fam. I should find more new owls to make the fam come alive! Hahas, it's just a thought >.>

Come to think of it, getting the channel's worth it. We've successfully achieved our third buckets of gold (Y). A Million Thanks to those hardworking Owls! Let's continue to work hard to achieve our next bucket of gold (\M/).

Cheers to book and me for achieving 35 fps in the mission =D
Whatever it is, ~NightOwls~ shall maintain as novice fam. Our heart shall always stay at Novice. So if our members level-ed, that'll be very saddening cause we might just lose contact with each other =( Hope all Owls could understand that and are aware of what we're doing =)
Blissfully In Love ♥
Blissfully In Love ♥
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
Congrats to Mr Book and Mrs Book!
Monday, September 13, 2010
; 8:41 PM

On their wedding.
Lets pray on their wonderful and blessed future.
Last long, BOOKS!
3rd Wedded couple in ~NightOwls~!
The Lost One.
Last edited by xAWESOME
Sorry Mr Book and Mrs Book for not attending your wedding
My Apology to u two
A story for you two cause I got nth to do, inspired by Mrs Book
Mrs : Hi5
Mr : Hi5
Mrs : Jellyfish
Mr : Walao
Mrs : Okay larh , we hug hug , come.
Mr : Hug
Mrs : Bigger Jellyfish
Mr : WALAO ,dun want talk to you liao
Mrs : Okay , i dun disiao u le. Promise ?
Mr : Promise
Mrs : Smaller jellyfish
(Mr Book walked away with a pissed off face)
Shall off now.
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
New Found Love♥
Friday, September 10, 2010
; 7:12 PM
Dearest Owls,
Here's a happy post for all! :D We've refurnished and revamped our fam house.

Hope you guys like the new layout of our fam house xD There's a clock and a notice added to it as well, hehes. It looks so complete now. We have everything we need! Owls living in the watermelon house, woots! Dear says it's more to girl's liking but if you look closer dear, it's full of other colours as well! The idea is to make the house a happy and vibrant one to cheer owls up! NO EMO-ING ESPECIALLY DEAR =D
May ~NightOwls~ stay strong and healthy always, hahas!
Owls wait! There's another happy post. x3~DINO and x3~MILO's Love Party was a success yesterday though there's some sort of struggle in between =x

The LP song is Feel of the Night and no matter how we try and try and try, we just couldn't seem to perfect! Lousy song for a lousy freesia ring =O

But of course, in the end, we survived the ordeal.

Tada~! Here's our new wings to celebrate the success of our Love Party^^
P.S. This hols has been the best hols ever cause dear's with me. Love my dear always♥
Living in Bliss♥
Living in Bliss♥
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
Hey Night Owls ~
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
; 11:05 PM
Hey Soul Sister (NIGHTOWLS)
Just posting for fun :P
Btw , it is more than 1 month le but I still can't forget her !
Emo-ing out
xAWESOME aka xKamikorosu (SOON-TO-BE NAME)
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
My first post O.o
Saturday, September 4, 2010
; 1:57 PM

Sry for being too inactive in Night Owls.
I will promise to on9 more often now and den.
I had been on9 these few days.
The max ppl I saw on9 were like oni abt 6.
Srsly, we nid to become wad we used to b b4.
Love n miss u guys 4eva.
Bless for de future of Night Owls.
Signing off.
The Lost One.
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.