*+*+*Best MoMent of 2010+*+*+
Friday, December 31, 2010
; 4:31 AM

What could be your best moment?
With your family?
With your friends?
With your lovers?
I once had a dream for the fam...for owls...to become strong and to be always on the go to earn fps...to 888,888...That dream always seems far but on 31/12/2010, the day just before 2011, I realised that the dream is never gonna be very far. It can be fulfilled if we have faith and believe in miracles...
Like what the quote says:
"The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle."
We've slowly climbed from the first bucket of gold to the second, to the third and now on the last day of 2010, we have successfully clinched our fourth bucket of gold! Woohoo~!

Claps Claps! It's a call for celebration. Here's a toast to all the owls for working so hard and have faith in the fam.
To all the owls:

Hope that our fam can stay strong and have more people to earn fps!

Wishing everyone a happy 2011! Work hard and you may just realise your dream =D
Cherish What You Have♥
Cherish What You Have♥
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
The Xmas aka Freesia Ring~*
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
; 2:47 PM
On the 28th of Dec, Boo has her Xmas Ring! The greenish freesia ring does somewhat look like Xmas ring, don't you think so? =D
Here are some of the snapshots of Boo's LP:

They always manage to get full room. Like the saying goes: The More The Merrier =D

Wahs, this pic looks very artistic. 2 souls in one body! LOLS

Anyway, let's get down to business. The Real Love Party gonna get started. Check it out yo =D

They got their first sync ^_^ But look at where Jyun is touching Boo, Lols! Boo's too sexy to resist eh? =p

And here's the final result of their LP. They got a total of 7 syncs. Congrats! Guess Jyun's in on top form that day, hahas.

Exclusive Happy news for me! I got the Lp's bonus, hohos xD

Guess Jyun's not exactly happy that I took the bonus though =o

Here are the lovely mega wishes from the lovely observers! Can't wait for their next Lp, when will it be? XD
Love quote of the day:
"It doesn't matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other."
Cherish What You Have♥
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
; 6:34 AM

Emo-ing out
xAWESOME aka xKamikorosu (SOON-TO-BE NAME)
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
It's Ding Dong Time!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
; 2:06 AM
After such a long time, we could hear the sound of the wedding bell from owls again! Thank you Mr ~Breathe and Mrs HerRoses =D

Correction time: It's not on jyun's lp that he wanted to bring his other char. It's on Breathe and HerRoses' wedding party, sorry =X Nonetheless, we did wait a long time for him!
They say there's no good story without romance and I think it's true. Alot of interesting stuff has happened during this wedding and that makes it a memorable one =D
First, let's welcome ~Breathe and HerRoses to the wedding hall. Clap your hand as hard as you can!

Lovely pose all! Look at how gracious jyun and boo are at welcoming them =D

The couples are waving at the guests and getting ready to dance at the same time *.*
Let's bow and dance all the way to the end, which they did xD

It's going to be a long post if I were to keep talking about what happened during their wedding party. So I shall keep it short by zooming into their victory pose at the end.

Kudos to the lovely couple. The pic seems funny with HerRoses jumping happily while ~Breathe is bending his knee. Think he's trying to find the wedding ring to give to the bride =p
Alas, the funniest thing occured again. Our ' joker', Boo has never failed to make us laugh. I really burst out with laughter when I saw the pic which look like this...

Just as we were taking a pic with our lovely newly weds, Boo's smelling her flowers o_o She must be real sad that she did not get the wedding flower that's why she's trying to let us know that her flower's the nicest LOL
If you can't see boo with her flower properly, let's take a good look again =p

Aiks Boo, I know you're feeling sad that you can't get the flower. But you don't have to be so emo to use your flower to cover your face you know. Cheer up! LOL
Actually that was not what happened. This was her defense...

Haha, whatever it is, it's really funny when Boo mentioned about the flower covering her face.
It's lovely to end the story with a laugh, isn't it? That shows we really enjoyed the wedding party thoroughly, hohoho.
Happy Times Aloha!
Happy Times Aloha!
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
*+*+*Lovely Love Party+*+*+
; 1:08 AM
Congrats Boo and Jyun on their Lp!

At the start, we have to wait for a long time cause they wanted a full room! But...there's an empty space as you can see from the pic and Jyun came up with a lovely idea to bring his other char to come. The problem is he has not turn on his com yet so we have to wait for 2mins which is quite a wait for a LP! (chuckles)

And so after the long wait, they finally start their love party =D

They got a smashing start with a sync within 30 secs. That's fast isn't it?

We can see who's the pro-er one from the pic above. It's our lovely boo of course xD

And so they ended well with 5 syncs which means their love party is a success! Jyun gotta work harder to sync together with boo for your next lp. Fighting!
There's a quote that says 'The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret' but the happiness that comes out of a happy marriage is for all to see and I'm very sure that's what boo is having now; a happy marriage with true happiness. Keep it up!
Happy Times Aloha!
Happy Times Aloha!
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
Birthday Wishes for Nooby!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
; 12:55 AM

I know it's late...
I would like to wish Nooby a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Happy Birthday to You Nooby!
By the way those who are interested in Nooby, here's a little detail about him.
I.e. His birthday falls on 18/12/19xx. For further details, contact him directly and he'll tell you more hahas.
To our dearest Nooby: May all your wishes come true and hope that you'll find some gal company soon xD
Happy Times Aloha!
Happy Times Aloha!
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
^♥^PM's Beautiful Moment^♥^
Thursday, December 2, 2010
; 5:10 PM
So what's PM? It's none other than ~xPUREx~ and ~xMINDx~ together =D

Yesterday was really a beautiful night spent with dear. Really can't express how much I've missed him. I've missed and missed him so badly =( The moment he came on, he started to pm me with 'IMY'. I was almost close to tears, that's so touching T.T (Actually no larhs, I'm overjoyed!) I know dear is busy working but guess what, yesterday was his off day. Coincidentally, it's also the day where we could host our love party. After waiting for so long (and it's real long), we could finally upgrade our wedding ring. I can barely wait!
As usual, before the actual LP, we would always have a few practices together. At first, it didn't really start off well cause we haven't been playing much in about a hundred year =O But after awhile, things began to go smoothly for us. We managed to get 8 syncs at the end of our practices.

Look at how our tiger's marching happily for us, hahas. Such a cute sight =D

Without wasting much time, dear went to create the LP room, getting all ready to start. But then, he changed his mind and went to pack his bag for his work tomorrow while we wait for Bamboo (or Boo) and Rikoru and Rikora.

Super lovely pose! *Shy* We passed the LP with Boo in the room. (Rikoru and Rikora dc-ed D:) And hey there's still 40 secs left!

We synced a total of 7 hearts together. I was once again amazed at dear at how he always seems to sync with me so nicely. You're such a dear to me♥

And here we go~our beautiful ring. It's called caladium ring o.o I'm surprised to see myself learning the name of this ring in which I usually don't. Isn't it a darling, the ring I mean? XD
To dear,
You're an important part of me, my one and only♥ You make me laugh most of the time though you always say I'm a joker >.> And the sweetness in you never seem to run out. You and me shall stay like this together forever with tears and joy and laughter and everything together ♥♥
As usual, before the actual LP, we would always have a few practices together. At first, it didn't really start off well cause we haven't been playing much in about a hundred year =O But after awhile, things began to go smoothly for us. We managed to get 8 syncs at the end of our practices.

Look at how our tiger's marching happily for us, hahas. Such a cute sight =D

Without wasting much time, dear went to create the LP room, getting all ready to start. But then, he changed his mind and went to pack his bag for his work tomorrow while we wait for Bamboo (or Boo) and Rikoru and Rikora.

Super lovely pose! *Shy* We passed the LP with Boo in the room. (Rikoru and Rikora dc-ed D:) And hey there's still 40 secs left!

We synced a total of 7 hearts together. I was once again amazed at dear at how he always seems to sync with me so nicely. You're such a dear to me♥

And here we go~our beautiful ring. It's called caladium ring o.o I'm surprised to see myself learning the name of this ring in which I usually don't. Isn't it a darling, the ring I mean? XD
To dear,
You're an important part of me, my one and only♥ You make me laugh most of the time though you always say I'm a joker >.> And the sweetness in you never seem to run out. You and me shall stay like this together forever with tears and joy and laughter and everything together ♥♥
My One Heartbeat♥
My One Heartbeat♥
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.