♥Boo's and Jyun's Love Party♥
Sunday, January 23, 2011
; 11:56 PM
Hi Owls!

I gotta apologise for the very, very late post here. Boo actually had her Lp long time ago and it took me ages to brace myself up to post it :o Guess I also have my lazy moments =p
Uhhhs, you know my memory's been failing me these days so excuse me if I posted wrongly D:But I know of a remedy! I shall let the pics talk =D Less talk, less mistakes. Don't you agree?
First Attempt~
Uhhhs, you know my memory's been failing me these days so excuse me if I posted wrongly D:But I know of a remedy! I shall let the pics talk =D Less talk, less mistakes. Don't you agree?
First Attempt~

Jyun's ball is stuck! (sorry for the pun, if there's any) Can't blame him, he waited for Boo to come on =D

As a result, they failed :/
Second Attempt~

Despite the little setback they faced earlier on, they did not give up. Instead, they staged a comeback with a hot and fiery record. Don't believe me? Check it out yourself! See it with your own eyes. Ready to get stunned by their sync!

Aren't they amazing? They sync-ed a total of 12 ♥ Kudos to them xD
And I'm not bad too, I actually ss-ed all their syncs but because of space constraint, I can't post all of them :/
And because of my amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing photography skills, I got the prize, hohos.

Lovely love quote:
"A ring is round, it turns forever and that's how long we'll be together!"
Happiness together♥
Happiness together♥
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.
♥A Toast to Eternity♥
Monday, January 17, 2011
; 2:10 AM
"Love is like an eternal flame, Once it is lit, it will continue to burn for all time."
Looking back at PM's love journey...





Dear, it's so amazing how our love can grow so far and still going on strong♥
A part of you has grown in me. And so you see, it's you and me together forever and never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart. I love you truly, deeply and madly♥
+*+*PM's 8th Love Party*+*+

Both of us were getting chicken feet before the Lp starts. So hard to sync pf >.>

And true to our fear, we failed the Lp T_T

But we got our 2nd chance! And we ACED it, hahas.

Merry merry~!! We got our lovely violet ring^^
I'm so happy to be with dear. Each and every moment with you is as magical as it can be. I just wished you could be with me more =O
+*+*PM's 8th Love Party*+*+

Both of us were getting chicken feet before the Lp starts. So hard to sync pf >.>

And true to our fear, we failed the Lp T_T

But we got our 2nd chance! And we ACED it, hahas.

Merry merry~!! We got our lovely violet ring^^
I'm so happy to be with dear. Each and every moment with you is as magical as it can be. I just wished you could be with me more =O
May my wish come true♥
May my wish come true♥
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.