Best wishes...
Monday, September 12, 2011
; 8:19 AM

To ~xMINDx~:
Well, what could I say? Your leaving is the best proof that you no longer have the heartzxc to stay. Knew it all along yet still have to pretend that everything'll be okay. When I can't bear it any longer, I have to seek the cold truth from you. And well, it did knock me hard and strong.
No matter what, let's hope that you'll be okay wherever you are.
"People come in and out of your life easily,
those who stay are much cherished,
those who left shall be forgotten"
This is what I have to say. Guess I've nothing much to say to you.
Seriously, I don't think I deserve this but well, thanks for everything.
P.s. He has changed his IGN, you may find him as xViper~
Wishing there could be a star in my life
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.