It's time...
Sunday, November 6, 2011
; 2:45 PM

Dearest Owls,
I've decided to merge fam with Psychedelico. All the good old memories of ~NightOwls~ shall be preserved and remain here, in this blog, in the heart for those who cared about the fam before and now. Guess it's time to move on... to move our fam to a greater height under the charge of Boo's Sis. I would not disband the fam but I won't be around in Owls. I hope and sincerely ask all the Owls to join me in the merged fam, Psychedelico. Wish all of you all the best in whatever you are doing. I cherish all that I had and will be more than happy to see everyone having a bright future. Bless everyone~^^* Have a smurf fun time! ♥
Time to say goodbye
With love & hoots, ~NightOwls~.